About Me

I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and a Council member of the Association of Dental Anaesthetists. My career has spanned through General Practice and Anaesthetics. I am now retired from hospital anaesthetics and now I only work in dental surgeries.

I first started working with dentists in 1981. In those days it was all general anaesthetics. In 2000, general anaesthetics became only allowed in hospital. We had already been moving towards sedation in dentistry. 

Sedation is incredibly safe and well accepted. The most common reaction is one of surprise that the treatment has been completed with minimal awareness.

Patients frequently comment that they were more aware of the conversation between me and the dental staff rather the what is happening in their mouth.

I pride myself on a gentle nature to reassure patients and see them through their dentistry with minimal anxiety and stress.

Please look at the instruction sheet which is given prior to treatment. There is also a sedation score sheet for you to look at.


Dr Rex Yetton